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The begining:

The first time we meet is an introductory session of an hour where we will meet each other physically. There you can express your questions and wishes, and we will go through an intake formulaire that you previously filled in with relevant information about yourself. Then we can go for a 5 session programme in a row. From there, we will see where you would like to go.


What does a session look like?:

In every session, after a preliminary talk, we pay attention to the body and how the energy is blocked in it. Through the use of breathing techniques, physical movement and interpersonal relationships, self-awareness is created, transforming old wounds and personality patterns and increasing your potential to enjoy life. The focus is always on feeling and experiencing yourself in different situations that are present in your life: for example, if you find difficulties in making decisions, suffer from stress, feel stuck, feel anxiety, repeat same painful situations over and over again, feel frustration and/or irritability, feel guilty, if you feel lack of concentration…


Sometimes during the session you may feel deeper feelings, old memories could suddenly be remembered. Some other times you can experience a feeling of inner connection that leads you to freedom, trust and openness to the world… It is all about your own process.


Some of the effects of this work:

Benefits of this work: feeling more freedom, having more joy in your life, having more real and meaningful relationships, establishing healthy boundaries, feeling stronger, greater understanding of your own life and challenges in it, learning how to deal with fear, increase of your self-confidence and trust in life, discovering your own power…


And then...

After the 5th session we have an evaluation. We check how you felt about this work, what it brought to you, how it was working together. We will also go through your goals and will decide how often you would like to come, expectations,… 

Are you willing to take the risk and improve your life?
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